Embracing the Seasons: Essential Landscaping Tips for Year-Round Beauty

As the seasons change, so do the needs of your garden. In this comprehensive guide, we at MH Landscapes will walk you through the key steps to maintain your landscape’s beauty throughout the year.

Spring: Awakening Your Garden

Key Tips:

  • Assess Winter Damage: Check for any damage caused by winter weather.
  • Pruning: Early spring is ideal for pruning most plants.
  • Lawn Care: Rake to remove thatch and apply a spring fertilizer.

Summer: Maintaining and Enhancing

Key Tips:

  • Irrigation: Consistent watering is crucial during hotter months.
  • Weed Control: Regular weeding keeps your garden healthy.
  • Mulching: Mulch to retain moisture and control temperature.

Autumn: Preparing for the Cold

Key Tips:

  • Planting Bulbs: Autumn is the time to plant spring-blooming bulbs.
  • Lawn Maintenance: Aerate and overseed your lawn.
  • Fall Cleanup: Remove fallen leaves and debris.

Winter: Protecting and Planning

Key Tips:

  • Protecting Plants: Use burlap wraps to protect sensitive plants.
  • Winter Pruning: Some plants benefit from winter pruning.
  • Planning: Use this quieter time to plan next year’s landscaping projects.


Remember, each season brings its unique set of tasks. By following these seasonal landscaping tips, you can ensure your garden remains a beautiful and enjoyable space all year round.


For more detailed landscaping advice tailored to your specific needs, contact us at MH Landscapes!